New Study Compares Network Layout Map to Landscape Metaphor for UCSD Map of Science Visualization

2023-03-24 02:03:36 By : Mr. Henghai TOMKING
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When it comes to visualizing complex data networks, most maps use a traditional network layout. However, research has shown that many people struggle to read even simple networks. This is where the landscape metaphor comes in. Human users are trained to read geospatial maps, making the use of a landscape metaphor a more intuitive way to understand complex data networks.

That's exactly what researchers at UC San Diego set out to explore when they compared the traditional network layout to a novel hexmap that used a landscape metaphor to lay out science subdisciplines. The hexmap grouped the 554 subdisciplines into 13 color-coded disciplines of science, making it easier for users to locate and understand different areas of research.

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To test the two map layouts, users were asked to perform memorization, search, and retrieval tasks using both maps. The results showed that there were no significant differences in how the two maps were remembered or used by participants.

This research is important because it demonstrates the potential for using a landscape metaphor to improve understanding of complex data networks. It also highlights the importance of testing different visualizations to ensure that they are effective for users.

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